United Hail Repairs Responding to January hail Events in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney

United Hail Repairs continue to service SE Queensland whilst responding to the recent hail events of the 19th and 20th of January 2020.

The hail event in Canberra was particularly severe causing widespread damage to a large proportion of vehicles throughout the Canberra and surrounding areas. United Hail Repairs are resourcing the needs of this event with further details to follow.

The hail event in Melbourne on the 19th January seemed to impact the inner Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Again United Hail Repairs are in the process of setting up their facility in Glen Waverley to meet the needs of the event. We will be servicing assessments and repairs towards the end of this month, more details to follow.

Lastly the hail damage that impact Sydney’s Outer west and Sutherland shire is also being catered for. We have facilities in both the West and South of Sydney, are will be assessing and repairing vehicles by the end of the month in both locations, again more details to follow shortly.

United Hail Repairs – providing solutions nationally for hail damaged vehicles.