United Hail Repairs Mobilised in Gympie

As a s result of the hail storm in the Gympie / Fraser coast areas, United Hail Repairs have sent a team to the area to quote and repair vehicles on behalf of the owners insurance companies.  United Hail Repairs have operated previously in the area as well as work with local hail repairers in the past, however due to the timing of the event and the numbers, were sending a team to concentrate on the event.  We are operating from 11/11/ Hall Road Glanmire.  You can call 1300 308 294 to discuss any questions you may have.  Its hoped that repairs can commence early in the new year and for as many of the damaged vehicles to be repaired quickly.  Here’s a quick article from ABC News on the event : https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-04/huge-hail-smashes-gympie-and-sunshine-coast-storm-weather/103186032